Why you shouldn’t rule out an organic content strategy.

If you’ve ever run ads for your business in the past, you know that they could be super targeted, and yielded a great ROI for your company. But with covid and the general change in user habits online occurring, plus the changes to the targeting ability of Facebook ads, advertising is no longer as clear-cut as it once was.

In today’s online landscape, earned media will become more and more important.

Your organization would be prudent to give full consideration to the organic content strategy that it uses, and think about how your organic content is an effective audience-generating machine.

Sure, running ads will of course get the right eyeballs to your ad, but those ads are stand-alone assets, and don’t compound over time. As Vanessa Lau said this week, “Ads don’t build on top of each other, meaning that the more ads you run doesn’t necessarily mean you can run less ads overtime.”

So if you focus on your organic content strategy, you are layering up your messaging, and your brand awareness online. Using keyword-rich content across your channels means that for some platforms, your content can work for you, for many years. Your organic content will work as part of your online funnel long after you created it. You are building a content machine, that eventually, will reach a tipping point and you can do less to feed that machine, but still get great results.

Your organic content traffic doesn’t turn off, whereas your ads turn off as soon as you are out of budget.

Of course, ads, and that attractive immediacy do have their place in your organization's marketing, (despite all the changes and updates), however, not at the exclusion of a solid organic strategy.

It is so important in fact, that I don’t offer ads as a service. I specialize in managing organic enterprise content, and building content frameworks that support company's online efforts, while still allowing paid advertising to be successful over the top.

If you feel that having a chat would be a good option for you, I’d love to hear more about your business, and see if having our support is the right next step for your organization.

Simply get in touch below.


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