What is the difference between content strategy and marketing strategy?

Well, in short, content strategy is all about the WHAT. It's the creation of content—the blog posts you write, the tweets you send out, and so on.

Marketing strategy is all about the HOW—how do you get people excited about your content? How do you get them to share it? How do you get them to pay attention?

You don’t really have one without the other, and often get bundled into one cohesive marketing strategy, but they are two distinct elements of your marketing plan.

For your content strategy, every piece of content you publish should have a goal in mind - the content strategy helps you define exactly what your goals are.

Some questions you need to be asking to inform your content strategy are,

⭐Why am I creating this content?

⭐Who is this content for?

⭐What action do I want people to take?

The content strategy will consider how to communicate brand values and mission in the best content format, and deliver the buyer journey with relevant content assets.

Whereas the marketing strategy is all about the HOW, the overarching plan.

To define your marketing strategy you want to be asking things like,

⭐Do my future clients know enough about my product or do I need to educate them before they will buy from me?

⭐ What is the best way to reach those potential clients?

⭐What platforms are my potential clients using?

⭐ Does my product meet the expectations of my potential client, and how can we show them that is the best option for them

The marketing strategy is the overarching plan that encompasses the content strategy, and to run a successful business, you must have both strategies in place and view each like the cogs in a well-oiled machine that keep your customers consistently coming in.

Here’s what I recommend: Start with your marketing strategy and allow that to inform your content strategy.

Do you have questions? Add your comments below, or if you would like to chat in more detail about your own content strategy, and how I can help you, book a call using the link below.


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