Pros and cons of scheduling to Reels and TikTok.

Reels and TikTok have been great new additions to the creator's toolbox. But having no way to schedule them has been difficult, especially as a social media manager, or when I have holiday planned!

When you’re a business owner, being able to get your content out and off your plate ahead of time has been key to being organised and freeing up more time in your work day. And even if you don’t like having to schedule and use push notifications… this new option means you can cover your holiday time knowing content for your or your clients will be going out while you are away.

Good news! Firstly, you can schedule TikToks WITHOUT push notifications.

There are some caveats of course, but it is excellent news! 🥳

⭐ You upload your video via the desktop. It’s super easy when you want to get ahead though, and easy to log in.

⭐ You can only schedule up to 10 days in advance, but it means you can cover your vacation. Especially important if you are a social media manager.

⭐ You can choose a cover from your video footage, but you can’t add the text box over the top. So, you can either not worry about it, or you can create a cover for your video in Canva prior to uploading so you can include a title.

The biggest limitation though is:

⭐ You cannot add music or sounds over the top. It has to already be on your video when you upload.

This is the one element that will stop me from using the feature regularly, as using trending audio is a part of my own strategy.

That said, it is still a huge improvement in functionality, and give us some flexibility which is amazing.

Scheduling is also now available through Metricool *, for both Reels and TikTok. This has the push notification feature, but it allows you to add all your assets to the post in readiness, and you’ll get a notification or email with links to all that information so you can post live. Using this method, you have your caption and video ready, but you post live so can add trending audio, on-screen captions, and so on.

Scheduling natively within the platform, and using a scheduler like Metricool *, both have their merits, and I use a combination of both depending on how I need that post information to go out. These are definitely platform updates that I am celebrating!

*This is an affiliate link. I LOVE Metricool and highly recommend it. However, if you’re not a fan of affiliate links, feel free to Google them and try them out that way 🙂


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